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To describe this type of relationship, we propose to use the concept of a compositional block.
A compositional block is a section of text that contains information about one or another component of an event (fact) – its subject, time and place, about the action itself, its circumstances, etc. The tradition of distinguishing this kind of components goes back to the classic T.A. van Dyck’s classic work “The Structure of News in the Press”, which, in particular, Such compositional components as the main episode, cause, condition, motivation, context, story, consequences, results, re reactions.
Since we are talking about news texts, where the intent to inform can be regarded as conditionally unmarked according to the interpretative characteristic, the actual factual content of the news is, in our opinion, provided by the main episode block (the action and its subject). Let us denote this type of block as the nuclear composition block (NCCB).
Such blocks as the details of what is going on and the circumstances of the action have a factual orientation. The circumstances of what is happening and the circumstances of the action, but here there appears to be The choice of the circumstances and details that, in the journalist’s opinion, are the most significant and interesting for the reader.
the most significant and interesting in the journalist’s opinion. We will refer to such blocks as detail blocks (DKB); in interpretativeness is present, but it is subordinated to factuality. The other blocks, which
are not so much connected with factography as with the fixation of the “material component” of an event. of the “material” component of the event, but rather directly with the interpretation of the fact, its evaluation. These are such KBs as cause, conditions, prehistory, (post)consequence, and result. Their content depends on the interpreter – the journalist and/or the publication (agency), and the interpretation itself is present in a latent form – in the selection of additional facts, quotations their arrangement in the text, etc. Let us denote this type of composition block as a background (FKB). Finally, another type of composition block, which is widespread in the tabloid press, but is also found in quality publications, is the commentary
(commenting composition block – CCB). Here the interpretation of what is going on is on an explicit level and can be rather easily described and typologized semantically.
Each of the distinguished blocks has its own “set” of typical models, according to which its semantic its semantic filling. Within the framework of this article we will limit ourselves to examples of filling in the background compositional blocks (BCB), which are of special interest for analysis of the mechanisms of latent interpretativity.
This type of block, as mentioned above, introduces elements of of semantic interpretation. This is achieved by embedding the basic fact in a particular event and/or ideological context. The content of this block may consist of:
the background of the event, its causes, consequences and consequences, as well as similar or related facts. The cause, effect, and consequence can be both objective components of the underlying.
The cause, effect and consequences can be objective components of the main fact (e.g. a hurricane caused roofs of houses and power outages, mass demonstrations of citizens, blocked traffic, etc.), or the result of comprehension of the event, when the choice of this or that cause-and-effect chain depends on the “coordinate system” of the information sender.

Examples of this kind of variable

cause/effect selection are especially rich in political news, where,
for example, the reason for a certain event can be stated differently, depending on
the socio-political position of the publication and the degree of its proximity to certain “trusted sources of information.
Reports from the economic sphere are also no less revealing in this respect, which
can be traced on the example of the following note.

“U.S. electricity consumption levels are 10% higher than last year. U.S. electricity consumption as of Aug. 10 exceeded 2009 levels by nearly 10%, the head of the Department of Energy said yesterday at a meeting of the government’s
Commission on Electricity Security yesterday. The level of electricity consumption in the country was the highest in the last 15 years. [According to the minister, the domestic power industry faced a number of difficulties first because of abnormal cold weather, when 11 regions exceeded the historical maximum of power consumption, then because of hot weather summer. Due to the abnormal heat wave, scheduled repairs of the grid]”.

The content of the background block here is the cause of the event (the state of affairs in the sphere of energy consumption). The reason is named by the objective component of the basic fact, but looks
as a subjective version among other possible reasons. Being voiced by the Minister of Energy, this version acquires in the eyes of the recipient the appearance of an expert
(objective) estimation. Indeed, on the one hand, the minister, by virtue of his official duties.
On the one hand, the minister, due to his official duties, is most competent to assess the reported fact (growth of energy consumption), but, on the other hand, the same official position makes him in order to protect his corporate image and the interests of his industry from possible negative consequences of the event. It is quite possible that in the interpretation of, for example, the opposition press or publications disloyal to the Ministry of Energy, the reasons for the of electricity consumption will be given other reasons than in the minister’s version. It is even possible to assume with a high degree of probability that radical-opposition publications could It is even possible to assume with a high degree of probability that radical-opposition publications could include this fact in the ideological interpretation context, calling “the true reason”, for example, the collapse of the industry as a result of the liberal reforms of the 1990s.

Jennifer Allen

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