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Compositional and logical relationships involve the construction of intra-textual logical connections, which, in fact, are “projected” onto the structure of the news event, forming in the reader’s mental image of it.
The rich tradition of studying logical semantics established in syntax and linguistics Text, demonstrates a variety of options for the scientific description of logical-semantic. In our study First of all we rely on those concepts which allow us to maximally “compactly”, and at the same time clearly reveal the essence of composition-logic relations in the aspect of interpretativism.
It seems to us most optimal to describe these relations in the categories of logical constants and linguistic units. “In symbolic (or mathematical) logic, constants. Conjunction, disjunction, negation, implication, equivalence, generality and existence quantifiers, and some others. “
In linguistics they correspond in a certain sense to the concept of syntactic conjunction, described, in particular, by O.L. Kamenskaya in the following way [italics ours – A.N.]: “The most widespread relations between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world are additivity, alternativity, opposition and dependence (subordination).
The following kinds of conjunction are distinguished: conjunction, i.e. the relation of additivity of events; disjunction, i.e. the choice of one of the events (objects); counterjunction, which implies opposition of two coexisting events; subordination, when one phenomenon is put in dependence on the other. This can be causal dependence, temporal relations, possibility, etc.”.

In our opinion, it is the use of different types of logical relations (conjunction, disjunction, negation, implication, etc.). – in terms of Symbolic logic) and, to a certain extent, their corresponding syntactic conjunctives (conjunction, disjunction, counterjunction and subordination) allows us to structure the same factual information in different ways, placing different accents on its different components.
its different components. In a somewhat simplified view, the distribution of the interpretive potential of conjunctions between of the above-mentioned types can be represented in the following way: the least conjunction is the least interpretative, counterjunction is the most interpretative, and subordination occupies an intermediate position. subordination occupies the intermediate position. As for disjunction, as the dominant type in the news notes in our material it is not recorded. Minimal interpretativity of conjunction, or additivity, is due to the fact that it is most the most, it is aimed at fixation, reflection of what is happening, rather than at its comprehension. И In contrast, counterjunctive is as interpretative as possible because the relation of of contraposition itself implies analytical elaboration of information, its interpretation, which cannot but influence the recipient’s perception of an event.

An example that illustrates the counterjunctive relation is the above-discussed the text “Technical inspection will be given to private companies after all” can be an example to illustrate the counterjunctive relation. As it was shown in the analysis of this article, the information about the innovations with technical inspection is actually subjected to negative evaluation in the text through the introduction of a background composition block “prehistory”, semantically opposed to the reported measures.
The conjunction in a news text is not necessarily expressed by formal means, such as,
such as the conjunctions “a”, “but”. Semantic contraposition can be formally “masked” by concessive, conditional, explanatory relations with the corresponding syntactic conjunctives. Let us take the following messages as an example:

“”Despite the influx of money, banks are not increasing lending.”

Polish banks in December once again reduced the size of their loan portfolios, despite attracting record amounts of funds in deposits from private individuals and the traditional, for the end of the year “budget-borrower season”, which is traditional for the end of the year. This was reported late last week by the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank. According to him, the loan portfolio of the non-financial sector decreased by 0.6% in nominal terms, individuals – by 0.5%. According to the Central Bank, credit compression began in February 2009. It was at this time that the period of controlled devaluation of the zloty ended. Operations in the foreign exchange market have become much more favorable than loans. market were much more profitable than loans, and all the liquidity went to the more lucrative operations at that time.”

“Kindergarten money “

Russia’s State Duma passed a law to compensate part of the fee for keeping children not only in state, but also in private kindergartens. For the first child will be refunded 20% of the cost, for the second – 50%, for the third – 70%. Except that this very cost will be calculated according to an “average indicator,” which, of course, will turn out to be much lower than the real cost of a private kindergarten.” In both texts the basis of the logical structure is a counterjunction: in the first, “a record influx of money,” but “crediting has not increased,” in the second, “part of the fee will be In the first, “a portion of fees will be compensated,” but “the calculation will not be in favor of private kindergartens. The adversarial relationship, however, is framed differently in these notes: in the first note it is expressed in In the first note they are expressed in a concessive syntactic relation, and in the second in an explanatory relation between the third and the previous two sentences.
Regarding the logical relations of subordination, as the dependence of one phenomenon on another, the following is observed in news genres. Most of its varieties are implicit, like disjunction, in additivity and counterjunction: temporal,
spatial, concessive relations, purpose, condition, etc. Only causal relations seem to have an independent status in news, so the most applicable here is the concept of causation, or causative subordination. The examples discussed above in the section on background compositional units are also quite illustrative For causative relations, cf. “The level of electric power consumption in Russia has exceeded the last year’s
by 10%”.
The analysis of these examples also showed that the statement of cause and (by) effect itself potentially carries an interpretative and evaluative load, the intensity of which, however, is inferior to the counterjunctive relations.

So, compositional-logical relations as a way of semantic organization of textual
macrostructure can act as a method of interpreting reality, even when the news text is saturated with factual information.
The dynamics of strengthening the interpretativity on the axis “statement (fact) → interpretation (evaluation)” looks like conjunction → subordination → counterjunction.

Jennifer Allen

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