The phenomenon of fictional news Archives - Choike News about News Wed, 28 Jun 2023 07:34:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The phenomenon of fictional news Archives - Choike 32 32 Explore the Versatility of Bookmark Templates: Organize and Personalize Your Reading Experience Wed, 28 Jun 2023 07:34:03 +0000 In today’s fast-paced digital world, bookmark templates have become indispensable tools for avid readers, researchers, and students. These templates offer […]

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, bookmark templates have become indispensable tools for avid readers, researchers, and students. These templates offer a convenient way to organize and personalize your reading experience, making it easier to keep track of important information, bookmarked websites, and reference materials. Whether you prefer physical or digital bookmarks, the versatility of bookmark templates, which you create at StoryboardThat, allows you to customize and adapt them to suit your specific needs.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of bookmark templates, exploring their benefits, various types, and creative ways to utilize them. From printable templates to digital alternatives, we will guide you through a range of options, ensuring that you find the perfect bookmark template to enhance your reading adventures.

Understanding the Benefits of Bookmark Templates

Bookmarks offer a multitude of advantages that go beyond the traditional use of marking pages in books. Let’s explore some of the key benefits they provide:

Organization and Efficiency

By utilizing templates, you can streamline your reading experience. Instead of searching through numerous pages or relying on memory, bookmarks enable you to quickly access your favorite passages, websites, or reference materials with ease.

Personalization and Customization

Bookmarks offer the flexibility to personalize and customize your reading experience. Whether you prefer minimalist designs, colorful visuals, or unique shapes, you can select templates that reflect your personality and reading preferences.

Time-Saving Tool

In a world where time is of the essence, templates help you save valuable minutes by providing instant access to desired information. With just a glance, you can find the exact page or website you need, eliminating the need for extensive searching and reducing frustration.

Exploring Different Types of Bookmark Templates

Bookmarks come in a variety of formats, catering to different preferences and reading habits. Let’s explore some of the popular types:

Printable Bookmark Templates

Printable templates are perfect for those who prefer physical copies. You can easily find and download printable templates online, offering a wide range of designs, themes, and styles. Once printed, you can customize them with your preferred colors, quotes, or graphics, making them truly unique.

Digital Bookmark Templates

With the advent of technology, digital templates have gained popularity. They are convenient for digital readers and can be easily accessed across various devices. Digital templates often come in the form of browser extensions or applications, allowing you to organize and sync your bookmarks seamlessly.

DIY Bookmark Templates

For the creative souls who enjoy do-it-yourself projects, DIY bookmarks provide endless possibilities. Using materials like cardstock, fabric, or even recycled materials, you can craft personalized bookmarks that align with your interests. Add a touch of creativity with stickers, ribbons, or personalized messages, turning them into cherished keepsakes.

Creative Ways to Utilize Bookmark Templates 

Bookmarks offer more than just a functional tool for marking pages. They can be used in imaginative ways to enhance your reading experience. Here are some creative ideas to explore:

  • Reading Challenges and Logs: Create a bookmark template dedicated to tracking your reading progress. You can include sections for book titles, authors, dates completed, and even ratings. This serves as a fun and motivating way to challenge yourself and keep a record of your reading accomplishments.
  • Inspirational Quotes and Reminders: Transform your bookmark into a source of inspiration. Include motivational quotes, affirmations, or reminders of your reading goals. Every time you open your book, you’ll be greeted by uplifting messages, encouraging you to dive into the world of literature with enthusiasm.
  • Literary Recommendations: Design a template to document recommended books from friends, book clubs, or literary influencers. You can add sections for the book title, author, genre, and the person who recommended it. This serves as a valuable resource when you’re looking for your next captivating read.
  • Study and Research Aid: Bookmark are valuable tools for students and researchers. Create templates that help you organize your findings, cite important sources, and jot down key points. By utilizing bookmark for your academic pursuits, you can streamline your research process and ensure easy access to vital information.


Bookmark templates offer a plethora of benefits, from keeping your reading materials organized to adding a personalized touch to your literary adventures. Whether you choose printable templates, digital alternatives, or embark on creative DIY projects, bookmark enhance your reading experience and make it more enjoyable.

Remember, bookmarks are not limited to marking pages; they can serve as tools for organization, inspiration, and even academic pursuits. Experiment with various types and designs, tailor them to your preferences, and unlock the full potential of templates to enrich your reading journey.

So, the next time you dive into a new book or embark on a research project, harness the power of bookmarks and discover a world of organized and personalized reading experiences. Happy reading!

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How to Spot Fake News Mon, 19 Jun 2023 21:26:39 +0000 In today’s digital age, where information spreads like wildfire across social media and online platforms, it has become increasingly crucial […]

The post How to Spot Fake News appeared first on Choike.

In today’s digital age, where information spreads like wildfire across social media and online platforms, it has become increasingly crucial to distinguish between real and fabricated news. Fake news can deceive and misinform, causing significant harm to individuals and society as a whole. In this article, we will explore various strategies to spot fake news and ensure that we consume reliable information.


The prevalence of fake news has become a concerning issue globally. Misinformation can influence public opinion, sway elections, and even incite violence. Therefore, equipping ourselves with the necessary skills to identify fake news is vital for responsible digital citizenship.

Understanding Fake News

Fake news refers to deliberately fabricated or misleading information presented as factual news. It often aims to generate attention, manipulate public sentiment, or promote certain agendas. Recognizing the characteristics of fake news is the first step in combating its spread.

Types of Fake News

Fake news can take various forms, including clickbait headlines, satirical articles, misleading images, and manipulated videos. Understanding the different types helps us be more discerning when consuming news content.

The Impact of Fake News

The consequences of consuming and sharing fake news can be far-reaching. It can lead to public confusion, damage reputations, and even incite hatred or violence. By being aware of the impact, we become more motivated to verify the accuracy of news before accepting it as truth.

Identifying Fake News

Now, let’s get down to business. How the heck do we spot fake news? Well, here are some savvy strategies for you:

  1. Fact-Checking Websites: Thank goodness for fact-checking websites! Places like Snopes,, and PolitiFact are our heroes. They dig deep into the stories that make our heads spin and give us the lowdown on what’s true and what’s a load of baloney.
  2. Analyzing the Source: You know what they say, trust but verify. When you stumble upon a news article, take a good look at the source. Is it a well-known, reputable news organization? Or is it some sketchy website you’ve never heard of? Use your common sense, my friends.
  3. Evaluating the Content: Read between the lines, people. Fake news often screams for attention with sensational language and emotional manipulation. Legit news articles present the facts in a straightforward manner and cite reliable sources. So, if it feels like a wild rollercoaster ride, it’s time to question its authenticity.
  4. Scrutinizing Visuals: A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. But in the case of fake news, that picture might be telling a big fat lie. Keep an eye out for manipulated visuals or misleading images. Use reverse image searches or nifty tools like TinEye to see if that image has been tampered with.
  5. Checking for Biased Language: Ah, bias. It’s everywhere, my friends. Fake news loves to throw in some biased language or loaded terms to sway your opinion. Stay vigilant and question the motives behind the words. Is someone trying to push an agenda on you? Think critically, folks.
  6. Verifying Quotes: You know what they say about quotes, right? Trust, but verify! Cross-reference those juicy quotes with other reliable sources. Fake news loves to make up quotes or attribute them to the wrong people. Don’t fall for that trickery!
  7. Considering the Context: Fake news often forgets to give you the whole story. It conveniently leaves out crucial context or selectively presents information. Don’t be fooled! Seek additional sources and different perspectives to get the full picture.

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Being able to spot fake news is a vital skill in today’s information age. By employing critical thinking, fact-checking methods, and analyzing news sources, we can protect ourselves from misinformation and contribute to a more informed society.

The post How to Spot Fake News appeared first on Choike.

Reasons for creating fake news Sat, 21 Aug 2021 07:25:00 +0000 “News” created and disseminated for the purpose of achieving political advantage: discrediting political.“News” created and disseminated with the aim of […]

The post Reasons for creating fake news appeared first on Choike.

“News” created and disseminated for the purpose of achieving political advantage: discrediting political.
“News” created and disseminated with the aim of achieving political advantages: discrediting political competitors (including during election campaigns), provoking street riots, violent change of power, etc.
“News” created to discriminate against persons on the basis of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, affiliation with public. The law “On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” prohibits discrimination. A good example of this is the “news of information wars”, which are waged parallel to the real warfare in hotspots of our planet.
“News” created and disseminated for the purpose of increasing Internet traffic. Users of social networks, as well as messengers like Viber, WatsApp, etc. constantly encounter numerous examples of such “news”.
information about lost children, pets, rare blood types, etc., is spreading through social networks like a virus, multiplying the income of mobile operators by increasing internet traffic. On New Year’s Eve, the following news appeared in social networks across the country: “Information from our infectious diseases hospital. 10 children in intensive care, 2 died. Caused by Chinese tangerines with twigs!” “The ‘information’ was continuously refuted by medics at infectious disease hospitals in various localities1.

“News” created and disseminated for the purpose of fraudulent seizure of money and other property of consumers. Such news often includes news about raising money for the treatment of seriously ill children, which, in fact, turn out to be untrue.

“News” created for the purpose of damaging information stored on a user’s computer. Thus, under the “news” about the death of the famous actor Brad Pitt, allegedly coming from from the U.S. television station Fox News, a malicious computer virus was disguised and activated when the message was clicked.
“News” created and distributed to draw attention to an individual, company, project or movement. For example, this is how the image of a new “idol” was “promoted” among Russian teenagers at the end of 2015 – a girl known under the Internet meme Rina “Nya.Bye”. On November 23, 2015. Rina, 16, lay down on the railroad tracks a few meters away from a freight train moving in her direction. A photo of the girl with her head cut off was posted online almost instantly. After the excitement caused by Rina’s death, a rumor was started in the social networking site VKontakte that the girl was a member of one of the groups playing a so-called suicide quest with users. As a result, the interest in the “game” with tragic consequences provoked by such “news” increased manifold.

“News” created and disseminated for the purpose of manipulating the market or obtaining certain advantages in economic activity. For example, on the morning of July 14, 2017, on the New York Stock Exchange, Twitter’s stock suddenly went up in price. The price of rose 8 percent, boosting its capitalization by about two billion dollars. The rise in capitalization was due to the the spread of fake news about the alleged purchase of Twitter for $31 billion. The fake news was posted on the fake website, the design of which was copied from the real Bloomberg Agency website. The publication noted that the buyer could be Google.

“News” that could raise doubts about their “fakeness” and encourage consumers to verify the information they receive.
“News” falsified so convincingly that that there is little doubt that they are “fake”.
In a Trend Micro study titled “The Fake News Machine. How Propagandists Are Abusing
How Propagandists Abuse and Manipulate the Public” shows how easily and inexpensively customers and producers of fake news can manipulate the public consciousness. SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk, in a speech to a meeting of the U.S. National Governors Association, made a call to be proactive in regulating the scope of “artificial intelligence: “Robots can start a war by issuing fake news and press releases, forging email accounts and manipulating information. The pen is mightier than the sword.”

Fake news fits seamlessly into the concept of “post-truth.” “Post-truth,” named “word of the year” in 2016 of the year,” according to the Oxford Dictionary, “describes or denotes circumstances in which objective facts are less important in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal conviction. ” The above analysis of possible classifications of fake news clearly demonstrates the danger that of this media phenomenon in today’s conditions of of information technology. Figuratively speaking, the uncontrolled spread of fake news can provoke a kind of “information terrorist attacks” of enormous destructive power. Awareness of the negative aspects of this phenomenon prompts social and state institutions to search for mechanisms to filter out fake news.

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Fake News Wed, 09 Jun 2021 07:38:00 +0000 The article makes an attempt to theoretically comprehend phenomenon of creation and distribution of “fake news” in contemporary media space. […]

The post Fake News appeared first on Choike.

The article makes an attempt to theoretically comprehend phenomenon of creation and distribution of “fake news” in contemporary media space. The content of the concept of “fake news” in the broad sense of the word is disclosed. The concept of “fake news” defined as “a message, stylistically created as real news, but false in whole or in part. The author’s classification of “fake news”, which is based on such classification criteria as the ratio of reliable and unreliable information; reliability of the circumstances of the time and place of the event; the composition of the persons mentioned in the “news”; the purpose of creating and distributing the “news”; the level of perception of the reliability of the “news”. The types of “fake news” are illustrated with specific examples from the Russian and foreign media and Internet resources. Information is provided on measures taken to neutralize the impact of “fake news. The main provisions of the Law “On News Aggregators” aimed at preventing the appearance and distribution of inaccurate information in the news are outlined. “Fake news” has become a media phenomenon that is increasingly mentioned by the leaders of world powers, and which is probably faced by almost every inhabitant of our planet. On January 11, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump wrote on his Twitter microblog the famous phrase: “Fake News – THE TOTAL POLITICAL Witch Hunt! The American president called Buzzfeed, which published a 35-page report on alleged dirt on Trump by Russian intelligence agencies, an “information dump,” and refused to dialogue with CNN correspondent Jim Acosta: “I won’t give you the opportunity to ask a question. You are engaging in informational fakery.” CNN later parted ways with employees directly or indirectly involved in the controversial material on the channel.

The overabundance of fake news was a striking characteristic of the most recent U.S. If we consider “news journalism” as a kind of journalistic genre. it is now also safe to declare the existence of “fake news journalism. The abundance of fake news reports masquerading as news has reached a critical point in recent years, and this phenomenon deserves serious scholarly analysis.

The notion of “fake news” includes a variety of media phenomena: from fake texts and photo, video or audio recordings to artificially created popularity of a person, work or project (usually with the help of Internet bots and/or fake accounts that give “likes” and post approving comments).

“… none of us have tried to define what fake news is, how it differs from false information or desinformation. There are no clear criteria for the definition and methodology of this concept,” – said the representative of the Department of Information and Press of the Foreign Ministry. said Maxim Buyakevich, spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry’s information and press department Russia’s Maxim Buyakevich, speaking at an OSCE conference on “Media Freedom in Times of Instability. Nevertheless, if we proceed from the premise that news is a breaking news report about events that have recently occurred or are currently occurring that is of political, economic or public interest to the audience in its freshness, then “fake news” is a report that is stylistically created as real news, but false in whole or in part. Analysis of a significant body of “fake news” allows us to identify the following varieties:

I. Depending on the ratio of reliable and unreliable information:

  1. “News” is a lie from beginning to end,
    For example: “The government of Iceland has decided to pay 5,000 euros to each immigrant who takes a local girl as his wife.” Often such “fake news” reports about “deaths” of celebrities, so the journalist Tommaso de Benedetti, known in Europe as the creator of many fake news and prank of provocative nature, took responsibility for “news about the death” of Nobel laureate Svetlana Alexievich (earlier he also reported about “deaths” of Mikhail Gorbachev and Bashar Assad) News” contains lies against the background of generally reliable information, presented selectively.
  2. The “news” is based on a real event, some parts of which are distorted. These can be, for example, audio and video recordings, altered in the way needed by the falsifiers, edited photos; quotes taken out of context or presented in a certain equence, etc.

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